Results of the elections for the 2014–2015 CSE Board of Directors were announced at the 2014 annual meeting. Patricia Baskin, executive editor of the Neurology journals, was elected vice president (the vice president becomes president-elect for the 2015–2016 year and president in 2016–2017). Carissa Gilman, manag ing editor of CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, was elected treasurer-elect, and Dana Compton, publication director of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, was elected to the Board as a director. The new Board members join continuing members President Tim Cross, President-Elect Angela Cochran, Past President Heather Goodell, Secretary Michael Fitzgerald, Treasurer May Piotrowski, and Directors Michael Friedman and Sarah Tegan. David Stumph, executive director of CSE, is an ex officio member of the Board.
The Council’s highest award, the Award for Meritorious Achievement, was presented to ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for its pioneering work in creating its open digital author-identification system. Laurel Haak, ORCID executive director, accepted the award on ORCID’s behalf. The Distinguished Service Award was presented to Lindsey Buscher, who coordinated publication of the 8th edition of CSE’s style manual, Scientific Style and Format (SSF8); Amanda Ferguson, who led the 2014 Web-site redesign project; and Milka Kostic, who is the chair of the CSE Sponsorship Committee.
The CSE Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to CSE members who have made laudable contributions to CSE, was awarded to Tony Alves for his work on the Marketing Task Force and the logo redesign; Carissa Gilman, who chairs the Education Committee; and Jo Ann Eliason, Devora Krischer, and Mary Warner, who made valuable contributions to the SSF8 update.

The poster exhibit showcased several outstanding posters in detailing research projects in various sectors of publication. The 2014 poster winner was Christine Casey, editor of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Christine’s poster was titled “Beyond Citations: Introducing a Story-based Framework to Assess Science Impact”, and she will receive complimentary registration to the 2015 annual meeting in Philadelphia.