Ken Heideman is no fair-weather friend to CSE. A long-time member of the organization, he has worn many hats and continues to contribute in many capacities.
Ken was swept away by the tornado scene in The Wizard of Oz at the tender age of 4. He pursued meteorological studies through his master’s degree and became a research meteorologist. His last position in meteorology was with the Air Force, and it was then, in 1998, that he became aware of a technical editor position for the American Meteorological Society (AMS). Ken had long enjoyed writing and thought this could be the ideal chance to combine both worlds.
Soon after joining AMS, the opportunity arose for him to become the manager of publications. With support from the organization, he learned much of this new position on the job. Ken joined the publishing world as a meteorologist, but after several years with the AMS publications, he felt he had transitioned to being primarily a writer/editor who was working with meteorology content. Ken still considers his manager of publications position his dream job. On June 1, he celebrated 17 years with AMS and notes that he enjoys his position more and more as time goes on.
In addition to his work at AMS, Ken also devotes his time and talents to CSE. He got involved first in the Short Course on Publication Management, offered each year at the annual meeting (and he still serves as a faculty member). Upon realizing he was with kindred spirits who were passionate about science publishing and publication management, Ken decided to get more involved with CSE. He joined committees, organized the Short Courses, served as the annual meeting program chair in 2009–2010, was elected to the board, was selected as CSE vice president, and then ultimately in 2012 became president of the organization.
Ken didn’t stop there, however. He also writes “Solution Corner” for Science Editor, which addresses publication concerns and practical issues in each issue, and he led the team that searched for a new editor. Ken says that he really believes in CSE as an organization and the creative, talented, smart, and genuine people at its core. His recommendation for new CSE members is to get involved: join a committee (the Program Committee gives a good overview) or volunteer to help Science Editor.
Not only does Ken enjoy management work, he still enjoys the art of writing. He has written and recorded a few songs, pens poetry, and has a large collection of cat haiku. What is cat haiku? It’s Ken’s interpretation of the musings that might belong to cats, expressed in haiku form, which he hopes to publish.
Ken also keeps busy raising 2 teenagers (“I enjoy seeing them develop into their own people”), participating in cardio and strength training, playing tennis, and hiking.
In other words, Ken is not one to sit still. He likes rolling up his sleeves and learning new things, volunteering, and leading others, be they teenagers or large organizations of writers and editors.