
Apr-Jun 2015 • Vol 38 No. 2

June 30, 2015
  • 2015 CSE Annual Meeting Reports
  • BELS Updates and Insights
  • Highlights from the 2015 AAAS Annual Meeting
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Jan-Mar 2015 • Vol 38 No. 1

March 31, 2015
  • Ethics: Protecting Confidentiality versus Notice of Misconduct
  • SSF8: Style Matters
  • Final 2014 Annual Meeting Reports
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Winter 2014 • Vol. 37 No. 1

December 31, 2014
  • CHORUS – Public Access to Scholarly Research
  • More Annual Meeting Reports and Research Papers
  • 2014 Annual Meeting Program and Short Course Previews
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Summer-Autumn 2014 • Vol 37 No. 3

November 30, 2014
  • 2014 Annual Meeting Reports
  • Text and Data Mining
  • Photographs from the Annual Meeting
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Spring 2014 • Vol. 37 No. 2

June 28, 2014
  • Perspectives on Authorship
  • Semantic Tagging: How Smart is Your Content?
  • The New CSE Logo and Web Site
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Jul-Sep 2013 • Vol. 36 No. 3

September 30, 2013
  • Annual Meeting Reports
  • Legacy of JAMA Medical Editing Fellowships
  • Opinions on “Predatory Publishers”
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Apr-Jun 2013 • Vol. 36 No. 2

June 30, 2013
  • Technology for Mobile Devices
  • Research on Media Coverage of Journal Articles
  • Photographs from the CSE Annual Meeting
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Jan-Mar 2013 • Vol. 36 No. 1

March 31, 2013
  • Perspectives on Open Access
  • More 2012 Annual Meeting Reports
  • 2013 Annual Meeting Program and Short Course Previews
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Oct-Dec 2012 • Vol. 35 No. 1

December 31, 2012
  • Scientific Misconduct: CSE’s Misconduct Survey, Plagiarism, Image Manipulation, Clinical Trials
  • Annual Meeting Reports
  • Research Article from the Annual Conference Poster Winners
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Oct-Dec 2011 • Vol. 34 No. 4

December 31, 2011
  • More Reports from the 2011 CSE Annual Meeting
  • Board of Editors in the Life Sciences
  • AuthorAID
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