September 2024 • Vol. 47 No. 3

Table Of Contents



AI Editing: Are We There Yet?


Copy Editors Can Play a Role in the Detection and Elimination of “Tortured Phrases”


Introducing the NISO Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) Guidelines


Beyond the Article: How JAVMA and AJVR Promote Authors and Their Work


2024 CSE Fall Virtual Symposium—Equity in Research Publication: Keeping Humans Front and Center

Meeting Reports

Annual Meeting Reports

The 2024 AAAS Annual Meeting: A Communication-Oriented Look within Its Walls

Meeting Report

Open Scholarship and Bibliodiversity

Annual Meeting Reports

Annual Meeting Reports

Correcting the Literature and Reducing Litigation Risk

Annual Meeting Reports

An Industry-Wide Effort to Ensure Research Integrity

Annual Meeting Reports

Bridging AI and Human Expertise for Sustainable Scholarly Communication: Enhancing Integrity and Efficiency

Annual Meeting Reports

Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly Publishing: Responding to Opportunities and Risks

Annual Meeting Reports

FAIR Data: What It Is and How We Can Support Its Principles

Annual Meeting Reports

Jam Session for Manuscript Editors

Annual Meeting Reports

Starting a New Open Access Journal: Perspectives from the Front Lines

Annual Meeting Reports

A Community-Based and Scholar-Led Open Research System: What Will This Look Like and How Do We Get There?



Summary of the C4DISC Toolkit: A Focused Toolkit for Journal Editors and Publishers: Building DEIA in Editorial Roles and Peer Review


Is There Such a Thing as a Scholarly Publishing Influencer?


Ask Athena: How Do We Handle Difficult Authors?


Ask Athena: Sharing Papers in Peer Review